Women are the most amazing beings. No matter our chosen role in life, we wear many hats and are many things to many people – daughters, sisters, mothers, wives, friends, businesswomen, industry leaders, community members. Women run households, networks, communities, companies and countries just as men do, yet at the end of the day, it does still seem that our worth is judged by not only our level of contribution but also by our ability to look good and be nice while doing “all the things”.
Of course not.
Not really. But as a woman, it certainly feels true, and the social conditioning wheel turns ever slowly.

We have a joke in my Family that I am everything but “just me” at the same time –
A chef but not a chef A seamstress but not a seamstress A hairdresser but not a hairdresser An accountant but not an accountant A teacher but not a teacher A nurse but not a nurse A builder but not a builder A plumber but not a plumber Even more recently, a mechanic but not a mechanic.
There are many more layers to this joke, (which I love), but you get the idea - I am a stay-at-home mother of 6 who homeschools, is always studying something new, managing a household and nurturing her own business.
Like many others, I am a busy individual.
Sometimes I am on fire and manage to “tick all the boxes” and other times I retreat and accomplish the bare minimum. Regardless of how much or little I fit into my day, my Family is loving, appreciative, understanding and supportive… I am blessed.
For far too long, a woman’s worth has been subjected to the needs and opinions of others.
Her ability to “be a woman” while taking on more and more roles and responsibilities has been judged and criticised. She has had her brilliance, her youthfulness, her strength, her fluidity, her nurturing nature, her creativity, her beauty and even her femininity weighed against what she was able to “do” with it.
When we hear the voice of the world speak louder than we hear our own truth, we lose touch with our intrinsic worth.
What I have noticed with the women I meet and work with is that often these voices of social appraisal seem to shout out over the top of what our own Souls knows to be true.
We’ve been trained to seek out our faults.
We have become obsessed with the idea that there is something “wrong” with us that needs to change. (There is an entire self-help industry built around it.)
We judge the ways we show up in the world – “Am I enough? Am I doing enough? Is my business enough? How can I prove myself? How can I be what they want?
We wonder if people will like us.
We criticise our image in the mirror. – “I’m too ‘this’ or ‘that”.
We wonder if we’re beautiful and desirable.
We find ways – clothes, hair, makeup – to cover up our real self.
We buy into this outdated scrutiny while standing firmly here in the present - pretending that we don’t do any of these things at all.
deep within, we have this beautiful, natural, feminine blueprint of who we are as a woman just waiting to be heard, seen and loved for exactly who she is.
The world has made many substantial shifts over the past decade. For all those that are willing to see it, ours is becoming a world of expansive energy, of choice, of balance, of healing and liberation that lends itself to the kind of deep unfolding that many women are ready for and craving.
In this new world, there is space to detach from the need to convince the world that we are what we believe the world wants us to be – this version of a woman is governed by her masculine aspect - rigid, analytical and needs based…
needing to be enough needing to be seen needing to do more.
This is an external gauge not a true determinant of her worth. This version of a woman’s worth is restrictive and it’s how we limit ourselves in all ways…
in our relationships, in our work, in our wellbeing, and even in our connection to our own bodies.
Yet again, in this new world…
there is no need to be confined to being less than whatever it is that exists within you.
This version of a woman is not lead by external factors, but rather She is governed by her deep feminine aspect - fluid, intuitive and pleasure based…
Pleasure for the body Pleasure for the senses Pleasure for the feminine experience
This is an internal gauge and a true determinant of her worth. This version of a woman’s worth is the totality of who she is.
Where she is in touch with her body but is more than her physical form.
Where she is alive in our creativity but is more than what she creates.
Where she is fully engaged in her relationships but is not defined by those she connects with.
Where she has no limits, but sets boundaries based on her own choices.
Where she is fluid, deep, curious, playful, and pure portrayal of organised chaos.
Where she is truly empowered and embodied.
A woman’s worth is measured only by a life fully expressed – from how she carries her ancestors to how she holds her descendants. It is in the courage she finds in the present moment to be her own person and dance her own path - regardless of what society says.
A woman’s worth is in her rhythm and her roots.
Dancing her path breaks the rules of society — not in defiance, but in an understanding of a desire to be liberated from the boxes that she has been kept to… but never fitted within. It is to recreate the multifaceted complexities of womanhood that allow for greater expansion and growth. And as creative bearers of new life bound by a lineage of womb bearers, embodying this new energy means that we contribute to the liberated energy of the generations to follow.
This is a woman’s worth. This is feminine embodiment. This is the most feminine service of love and nurturing. This is the ultimate act of self-love.
In this emerging world, the barriers that limit our ability to love are crumbling. As long as we are learning to love ourselves, live our truth and express our lives fully, there’s no limit to our worth. We move with our bodies – we move into our bodies, into our hearts, and into our intuitive elements. We serve only our own dreams… free of expectation, limitation, judgement, guilt, shame, justification, manipulation, doubt, and fear.
We dance to our rhythm and define our own worth just by trusting who we are.
…nothing to strive for. Nothing to do. Nothing to be. You are just as you are.
How does that feel?
What would that look like for you?
Need a little support finding out?
Explore Embodying the Emotional Elements where you’ll learn the ways in which women grip onto these false paradigms of femininity as well as where we hold them within our bodies. What are you ready to release?
You can follow me on pinterest for more content and support around moving into your body, taking up your space and gently releasing all the ‘shoulds’, ‘coulds’, and ‘supposed tos’ while learning to trust your innate worth and enjoy rhythmic living.
I host live and online workshops and programs for women and teens wanting to move more deeply into this space. To find out more about what this looks like in a nourishing and safe space, visit me here for all the whens, wheres, and hows.