Wondering where your business is in alignment with your deeper authentic energy?
Being an entrepreneur, it will be no surprise to you that the pace of business can often feel frantic and the pressures to conform overwhelming, but yet as the world turns and we both individually and as a society develop our awareness, there emerges a gentle yet profound paradigm shift -
Welcome to the realm of Aligned Business!
This is a space of transformation, acceptance, flourishing and thriving that women entrepreneurs are honouring themselves within and shifting from a state of disconnection to a place of deep alignment with their true selves and their businesses.
This instant download includes:
- 13 pages of reflection to self-asses your business alignment
- supportive tips on navigating the landscape of a soul-led business
- the key elements at play within an aligned business
- a map of deliberate entrepreneurship
- and a heart-centred checklist to use as your tool of awareness and refinement within your soul-led business journey.
This checklist is designed to help women entrepreneurs reflect on various aspects of their business and identify areas for alignment and growth based on the principles of aligned business and soul-led entrepreneurship.
If you feel compelled towards this type of nourishing and rhythmic business and are looking for direction - begin here!